In previous blog posts, we have talked about the history of the monster truck, from its almost humble origins to where it is today: a behemoth of a beast that represents all that is strong about America. Taking your kid to see a monster truck show should be regarded as an American pastime, just as important as taking your kid to a ball game except with a monster truck show, you’re educating them on strength and perseverance and showing them that yes, we can all make as giant an impact as a monster truck stomping on cars. Perhaps that’s the recipe for getting through winter: being larger than life. What do you think?
Winter is coming. Not to sound like a Stark from Game of Thrones, but it’s true; clearly, the weather is changing in most parts of the country and there’s even snow in some parts. When you think of winter, you don’t necessarily think of monster trucks but you should. That’s how it is in Denver with the Monster Truck Winter Nationals.
Pegged as “the most fun you can have on four-wheels! And, the biggest monster truck show ever seen in Colorado. That’s right the Monster Truck Winter Nationals are here in Denver.”
Yes, it seems that monster trucks are as wintry as Christmas Trees and hot cocoa. Monster trucks in the wintertime might make the weather tolerable, might instill in us a kind of strength that will help push us through some of the harshest months of the year.